Hey there, Legal Tea Listeners –This is your host, Jenny Rozelle! Today is going to be a super quick one … .and not a normal one. I know we typically dive deep into the world of estate and elder law, but today, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all happy holidays.
The end of the year is always a special time – a moment to reflect, to spend time with loved ones, and to look forward to new beginnings.
This year has been incredible. We've covered so many important topics – from covering various celebrities and their estate planning (or lack thereof), covering various cautionary tales and current stories and trends out there in estate and elder law. It’s been a fun year – I can’t believe I’m rapidly approaching 200 episodes – such a cool milestone to hit, which will take place in 2025!
But today is the day before Christmas and putting our regular ol’ content seemed a little silly to do. So, I just want to step back and say … whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply enjoying the winter season, I hope you're surrounded by warmth, love, and joy. Take time to cherish your family, enjoy some good food, and maybe even start thinking about those New Year's resolutions – perhaps finally getting that estate plan in order? Which, by the way, is a sneak peak at what next week is going to be about…
We'll be back next week with our regular programming, diving back into the details that help you secure your family's financial future. Until then, stay merry, stay bright, and enjoy these precious moments with your loved ones.
Happy holidays, everyone!